Saturday, April 28, 2012

The profound, yet smug back slapping ignorance of the left

Bill Maher: Palin Thinks Native Americans Are From India

America's left is so ignorant of current events and Republican leaders that they don't know that Governor Palin's husband, children, and grandchild are all registered tribal members, real "Native Americans" ?

Bill Maher admits that his audience is probably just "brainwashed liberals".But this should be the butt of a national joke about the impenetrable, strictly enforced ignorance of the left's national opinion shaping propaganda media.

"BILL MAHER: New Rule, if the Indians have a rocket that works but the North Koreans don’t, we have to stop being scared of North Korea and start being scared of India. Now, you may ask, “Why would India launch a missile at us?” Well, Sarah Palin points out, “We did steal their land.”

The audience of course thought this was hysterical, but as Maher correctly pointed out months ago, they're just a bunch of brainwashed liberals.

The Orwellian left sees this type of group think as truth greater than actual truth, "truthiness", and give themselves high fives for being creative enough to escape the limitations of actual truth and reality, and individualism, that interferes with their fantasies of a universal group think and government forced utopia theories.

Truthiness is a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.

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