Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Amazing video-NBC news proves why individual Americans are afraid to not agree with the left

Watch this amazing video below.

This is not news, this is a raging attack against news, against information, against reality itself, this is about keeping the public in the dark, uninformed, constantly herded into a narrow group think organized and formed by the media and the left.

Watch NBC news in action, is there any doubt at all that the news people are passionately committed, personally invested in a single point of view on the Trayvon incident, and that they will not tolerate anything, or anyone who is not in line with their predetermined agenda.

This is extraordinary hostility displayed against an innocent black friend of George Zimmerman, it is no wonder that it takes exceptional courage in an individual to not submit to the brutal and never ending pressure to submit to the left's forced group think.

Courage is rare among humans and this interview is an example of why people fear to speak openly in modern America, remember what happened to the unfortunate plumber that Obama approached at the plumber's home during a campaign photo-op, the national media set out to destroy the plumber because Obama embarrassed himself in the conversation with the plumber, within days the national media had revealed everything about the young father's life, his military service, divorce, an unpaid traffic ticket in Arizona, the dishonest (inaccurate) claim of him not plumbing under the proper license, it was extraordinary research on a simple innocent, all because candidate Obama had blurted out the words " spread the wealth around".

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