Thursday, October 27, 2011

Abortion workers murder seven children, by stabbing them to death (Where is the news coverage?)

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A pair of abortion clinic workers have pleaded guilty to third-degree murder in two deaths at a Philadelphia clinic where babies were killed with scissors and a woman died of a drug overdose.
Andrea Moton admitted her involvement in the death of a baby. Sherry West pleaded guilty in the February 2009 death of Karnamaya Mongar, a Bhutanese immigrant. Neither had formal training.

Moton and West are two of 10 people charged earlier this year after a grand jury investigation found horrific conditions at the clinic run by 70-year-old Dr. Kermit Gosnell. Prosecutors say a total of seven late-term babies were born alive in his clinic, then murdered by having scissor stabbed into the back of their necks.

Moton and West each pleaded guilty to related charges, including taking part in a corrupt organization.

"babies born alive were killed by having scissors stabbed into their necks to sever their spinal cords."
"Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams called the clinic a "house of horrors" in announcing the charges in January."

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