Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The President's Maturity Problem

 Excerpt from American Thinker:
After less than two months in office, President Obama made a decision that many at the time saw as un-presidential.  In the midst of what even he was calling the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression, Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to go on a late night comedy show.  Bizarre as it might have been, ardent Obama defenders like Robert Bianco at USA Today gave him a pass, writing, "Whatever one thinks of his policies, no one can accuse Obama of lacking gravity or dignity. He doesn't need any particular setting to bestow those qualities on him; he carries them with him."  Or not.

Just a little over two years later, it has become clear that whatever you think of his policies, the current occupant of the White House harbors an irrepressible juvenility that undermines the dignity of the office he holds.  The recent tongue lashing he administered to Republican Congressman Paul Ryan is the latest example of President Obama's increasingly evident maturity deficiency.


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